Peaceland College of Education

The college is privately funded and has no religious affiliation. The college also admits students from all part of the country irrespective of their ethnical or cultural background. The college is affordable and offers Accommodation facilities, Library etc. The student body is not too diverse.
Peace land college is unique as it gives students the choice of staying on or off campus. tution and fees goes for less than N100,000 kindly check the college website for more details.
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Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Accounting | |
Business Education | |
Christain Religious Studies | |
English Language | |
Economics | |
French | |
History | |
Social Studies | |
Political Science | |
Social Studies | |
Igbo | |
Secretarial Education | |
Science & Technology | |
Mathematics | |
Geography | |
Education | |
Educational Foundation and Admin | |
Curriculum and Instruction | |
Educational Psychology | |
General Studies Education | |
Primary Education Studies |