Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic

Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic school fees like most state owned polytechics is quite cheap [About N100k] and admission is very competitive. The student body is quite large but not so diverse culturally. Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic provides accommodation facilities/hostels for her students. The polytechnic courses are full time ND/HND programs in agriculture, Science & Technology, Arts, management and Social Science.
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Engineering | |
Civil Engineering | |
Electrical/ Electronic Engineering | |
Mechanical Engineering | |
Medicine & Pharmarcy | |
Medicine & Surgery | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Accountancy | |
Banking and Finance | |
Public Administration | |
Business Administration | |
Hotel and Catering Management | |
General Studies | |
MarkETing | |
Arts and Design | |
Mass Communication | |
Science & Technology | |
Architecture | |
Building Technology | |
Computer Science | |
Statistics | |
Urban and Regional Planning | |
Surveying and Geo-Informatics | |
Quantity Surveying | |
Office Technology & Management | |
Estate Managements | |
Law | |
Legal Studies |