Federal Polytechnic Idah

The institution admits students irrespective of their religious or cultural backgrounds thus it is available to all. There aren’t unnecessarily stringent Rules & regulations. Federal Polytechnic Idah courses cut across agriculture, engineering, medicine, arts, science & Technology. The school has quality accommodation & library services and every facility needed to provide a suitable environment for learning. The Federal
Polytechnic idah is on a mission to train students with skills that are competitive on a global scale and hope to be a first rate polytechnic. We don’t have sufficient information about the school’s student body and how diverse said student body will be but we believe it has a diverse student body.
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Agriculture | |
Food Technology | |
Engineering | |
Chemical Engineering Technology | |
Electrical / Electronic Engineering | |
Foundry Engineering Technology | |
Mechanical Engineering Technology | |
Metallurgical Engineering Technology | |
Medicine & Pharmarcy | |
Science Laboratory Technology | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Accountancy | |
Business Administration and Management | |
Hospitality Management | |
Leisure And Tourism management | |
Marketing | |
Public Administration | |
Science & Technology | |
Architectural Technology | |
Building Technology | |
Computer Science | |
Estate Mangement And Valuation | |
Library and Information Science | |
Office Technology And Management | |
Quantity Surveying | |
Surveying and Geo-Informatics | |
Statistics | |
Urban and Regional Planning |