Adeyemi College of Education

The tuition is affordable and goes for less than 100,000. It varies depending on academic program. Admission into this college is very competitive and a lot of preparation most go in to candidates. The college offers several programs in Science & Technology, Agriculture, Arts, management & Social Science. Being a federal college it is not affiliated to any religous group and her campus has a number of decent facilities
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Agriculture | |
Agricultural Science | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Adult and Non-Formal Education | |
Educational Administration and Planning | |
Business Education | |
Economics | |
Educational Foundations and Counselling | |
Educational Technology | |
General Studies | |
Primary Education Studies | |
Early Childhood and Care Education | |
Early Childhood and Care Education | |
Geography | |
History | |
Music | |
Hausa | |
Igbo | |
French | |
Yoruba | |
Social Studies | |
Religious Studies | |
Home Economics | |
Fine & Applied Arts | |
Science & Technology | |
Biology | |
Chemistry | |
Computer Science | |
Integrated Science | |
Mathematics | |
Physics | |
Physical and Health Education |