Federal College of Education, Asaba

The students are trained in Academic excellence and high morals. Student communication skills and other are also incorporated into the training in order to have a total graduate. The college has no religious affiliation nor cultural affiliation. The student body is relatively large and diverse.
Tuition is affordable going for less than 100,000. We have not information as to whether the college provides hostels/accommodation facilities for her students. FCEASABA offers full time academic programs in Vocational Education, Science & Technology, Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce
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Agriculture | |
Agricultural Education | |
Engineering | |
Chemical Engineering | |
Medicine & Pharmarcy | |
Medicine & Surgery | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Adult/non Formal Education | |
Business Education | |
Home-Economics Education | |
Fine/Applied Arts Education | |
Primary Studies Education | |
Science & Technology | |
Technical Education | |
Computer-Physics Education | |
Integrated Science Education | |
Computer Mathematics Education | |
Computer Chemistry Education | |
Computer-Biology Education | |
Biology Education | |
Chemistry Education | |
Mathematics education | |
Physics Education |