Federal College of Education, Zaria

The college has a large but not too diverse student body. FCE Zaria provides her students with good facilities, Accommodation, roads, Classrooms, Library amongst others are part of the facilities provided to create a good learning environment for her students. The college tuition is still very much available to the common man going for less than 50,000.
Federal College of Education, Zaria offers academic programs Agriculture, Science & Technology, Social Science, Arts and Management.
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Agriculture | |
Agricultural Science | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Adult and Non-Formal Education | |
Arabic | |
Hausa | |
Business Education | |
Economics | |
Christian Religious Studies | |
English Language | |
Fine And Applied Art | |
French Language | |
Cultural and Creative Art | |
Early Childhood Care Education | |
Home Economics | |
Islamic Studies | |
Social Studies | |
Special Education | |
Science & Technology | |
Chemistry | |
Biology | |
Computer Education | |
Computer Science Education | |
Geography | |
Mathematics | |
Integrated Science | |
Physical and Health Education |