Niger State College of Education

The college is once again state funded and therefore has no religious or cultural affiliation. This is set up this way in order to have a diverse student body. The college tuition is Below N100,00 thus making it not only affordable to the common Nigerian but also makes it very competitive to get admission into the college.
Niger State College of Education offers good facilities to her students which include Library, accommodation, good road network, power etc.
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Agriculture | |
Agricultural science | |
Engineering | |
Electrical/Electronics Engineering | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Arabic | |
French | |
Geography | |
Hausa | |
History | |
Islamic Studies/ | |
English Language | |
Christian Religious Studies | |
Business Education | |
Home Economics | |
Economics | |
Science & Technology | |
Biology | |
Building Technology | |
Chemistry | |
Mathematics | |
Geography | |
Physical and Health Education | |
Integrated Science | |
Technical/Vocational Education | |
Metal Work Education | |
Woodwork Education |