Auchi Polytechnic

The polytechnic has no religious affiliation and welcomes students from different parts of the country irrespective of their religion or cultural background. Auchi polytechnic school fees is very affordable being a federally funded institution, tuition goes for less than N100,000 and the polytechnic provides accommodation facilities for her students.
Auchi polytechnic courses cut across across Sciences & Technology, Commerce, Social Sciences etc and they are full time and part time HND/ND programs.
JAMB/UTME Cut off Mark: 150
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Engineering | |
Pre-Civil Engineering Technology | |
Pre-Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology | |
Pre-Mechanical Engineering Technology | |
Pre-Agricultural Engineering Technology | |
Pre-Mineral Resources Engineering Technology | |
Medicine & Pharmarcy | |
Pre-science Laboratory Technology | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Pre-General Art | |
Pre-Fashion Design and Clothing Technology | |
Pre-Fashion Design and Clothing Technology | |
Pre-Catering & Hotel Management | |
Science & Technology | |
Physics/Electronics (HND) | |
Chemistry/Biochemistry (HND) | |
Biology/Microbiology (HND) | |
Pre-Statistics | |
Pre-Computer Science | |
Pre-Polymer Technology | |
Pre-Ceramics and Glass Technology | |
Pre-Food Technology | |
Pre-Building Technology | |
Pre-Estate Management | |
Pre-Surveying & Geoinformatics | |
Pre-Urban & Regional Planning | |
Pre-Quantity Surveying | |
Pre-Architectural Technology |