Edo State Institute of Technology & Management

The polytechnic provides her students with adequate facilities, a Library, A well-equipped ICT Centre, Hostel/Accommodation Facilities etc. The polytechnic has a diverse student body which is relatively large. Admission into this polytechnic is very competitive.
Edo State Institute of Technology & Management courses are in areas like Science & Technology, Arts, Management & Social Science.
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Agriculture | |
Food Science Technology | |
Engineering | |
Mechnical Engineering, | |
Civil Engineering | |
Chemical Engineering | |
Electrical/Electronics Engineering (HND/ND) | |
Petroleum Engineering | |
Medicine & Pharmarcy | |
Science Laboratory Technology | |
Pharmaceutical Technology | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Accounting | |
Business Administration | |
Public Administration | |
Banking and Finance | |
Science & Technology | |
Computer Science (HND/ND) | |
Statistics | |
Building Technology | |
Estate Managment | |
Office Technology and Managment Marketing. | |
Urban and Regional Planning | |
Surveying and Geo-Informatics |