Federal Polytechnic Ekowe

The institution is on a mission to produce students with not only paper knowledge but skills that are needed in the industry outside school in order for their graduates to be ever relevant. This mission is being run along with the vision of producing individuals of the highest international standard.
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Agriculture | |
Agriculture Economics and extension (ND) | |
Livestock and Fishery (ND) | |
Food Technology and Home Economics (ND) | |
Agronomy (ND) | |
Fisheries and Hatcheries (Cert) | |
Fisheries and Hatcheries (Cert) | |
Engineering | |
Petroleum and Geosciences Engineering Technology (ND) | |
Mechanical/Marine Engineering Technology (ND) | |
Electrical/Electronics Engineering (ND) | |
Mechanical (Machining/Turning) (Cert) | |
Electrical Wiring and Installations (Cert) | |
Plumbing and Pipe Fitting (Cert) | |
Pipe Fittings and Fabrication Technology (Cert) | |
Occupational Health Safety, Security and Risk Management (Cert) | |
Pipeline Inspection, Maintenance and Non-Destructive Test (Cert) | |
Medicine & Pharmarcy | |
Sciences Laboratory Technology (ND) | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Cosmetology (Hair Dressing) (Cert) | |
Make Up Craft (Cert) | |
Decoration and Event Management (Cert) | |
Catering and Hotel Management (Cert) | |
Fashion and Textile Design (Cert) | |
Laundry and Liquid soap Production (Cert) | |
Peace and Conflict Resolution Management (Cert) | |
Science & Technology | |
Computer Science (ND) | |
Computer Studies | |
Statistic (ND) | |
Industrial safety and Security Management (Cert) |