Federal Polytechnic Nekede

Federal university nekede admits students from various cultural backgrounds. It has an average student population and Federal university nekede courses [fulltime & part time] cut across Sciences, social science, engineering, Arts and Management. The Federal polytechnic Nekede provides students with a very conducive environment for learning.
Federal university Nekede: Below N100,000
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Agriculture | |
Agricultural Engineering | |
Fisheries | |
Food Technology | |
Engineering | |
Civil Engineering | |
Chemical Engineering | |
Computer Engineering | |
Electrical/Electronics | |
Mechanical Engineering | |
Mechatronics Technology | |
Medicine & Pharmarcy | |
Pharmaceutical Technology | |
Science Laboratory Technology | |
Arts, Management & Social Science | |
Accountancy | |
Arts and Design | |
Banking and Finance | |
Business Administration and Management | |
Co-operative Economics and Management | |
Marketing | |
Purchasing and Supply | |
Taxation | |
Humanities | |
Mass Communication | |
Social Sciences | |
Hospitality Management | |
Science & Technology | |
Architecture | |
Building Technology | |
Estate Management | |
Quantity Surveying | |
Biology/Microbiology | |
Chemistry/Biochemistry | |
Dispencing Opticianry | |
Environmental Biology | |
Computer Science | |
Surveying and Geoinfomatics | |
Urban and Regional Planning | |
Office Technology and Management | |
Library Science | |
Mathematics/Statistics | |
Physics with Electronics |